Job & Function Study


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Bullshit jobs

Brown out

Brown-out, the new suffering syndrome at work

En English, brown out, means to have "a voltage drop", a power failure. The appropriate translation for brown out is "lack of juice". An employee with brown out is an employee who no longer has any energy to do what he does, for the simple reason that he no longer gives any meaning to his task, or even that he considers his task as being the opposite of what should be done, he said. Several sociologists and anthropologists, including David Graeber who spoke of the "Bullshit Job phenomenon", have looked into the question of new jobs which are felt to be "useless", but which sometimes are really "useless". Indeed, according to them, many jobs (mainly office) have been created because of new communication or technological methods, but the people who occupy them feel that they are useless or, in any case, do not understand the value of their tasks. In increasingly gigantic structures with extended organizational charts or in small but poorly structured companies in which the employee feels lost, desperate to see his position play a real role. His work is losing its meaning, he is suffering from brown out.


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